Saturday, March 11, 2006

there's really too much to do. and so. i make plans but break them. linger over the schematic. when did we become masters of perspective? i missed it. brunelleschi? none of that for me. as soon as the flat and blue is replaced by the real and blue my way is any. tower and sod.

it might snow. if only it would decide. it hails. it rains. it shines. cold is constant. but i'm tired of hearing about the possibility of snow.

went for a walk. the otherwise drab refreshed by a whole discarded calendula. i snatched it. s.b. said he hates orange flowers-- they make him allergic. it's my posie. he'll have to wear a respirator.

silly but i keep the little prince next to my bed. i can read please would you draw me a sheep when i can't sleep. it does help. very sedative. though i'd settle for any wee sketch right now.

the moth orchid is going to bloom. the plum is blooming. the hyacinth bloomed (but was broken). the wild peony should bloom. tenses.

somewhere i resemble agate. tourmaline. jasper. amber. there now. and i do feel better.



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