Wednesday, May 11, 2005


turntablism is the word of the day. one of us goes missing. this is where you'll find him. discussing with piano hands.

two new plant books today. new to me. one 1950ish and b&w. exotic houseplants. one nicely illustrated. line drawing. watercolor. also houseplants.

sister: what did he die from?
me: alcohol. that's my guess.
sister: yeah, but psoriasis of the liver? wait! that's not it!
me: no. but that would be a problem.

all this scratchins make makin me rich me rich...

aloe. allay. it doesn't get less dead.

next question. is it of great concern? aye/nay.

make with the wrap up. make with the interview end.

sword of omens give me sight beyond sight!

foresee/foresaw. peaksy. i was going to say presentiment. about face. but these cases just appear. seers i believe go asking for it. if you look in entrails you see entrails. can't say fairer than that.

fairer than that.

than that than that. i made it from scratch. you like?

the sap may produce a rash...

allergens. would they persist if half cat? producer! really keep your skin to yourself.

i've heard they grow kitty grass. for the housebound feline. used to be temples for bast.

drunkards on the grass. alas.



Blogger dishpantheism said...

yes. humans and their flaking skin. and the mites. and the special pillow cases. the air filters.

i wish shedding skin was a cure for allergies, too. i don't suffer from allergies really but so many around me do. hmm. there may be something to that...

1:39 PM  
Blogger dishpantheism said...

yes, we shed like the dickens.

i'm in pretty sad shape without lip balm.

10:06 AM  

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