jonathan richman's birthday. yay! listening to his oeuvre in celebration.
a pitbull came at us in the dark. when we turned away it followed. quickly gained us and sat down at our feet. nuzzled our trouser hems with its nose. no tags. no collar. no bringing it home for fear of giant canine battle. hope it will find its way safely.
everything is blooming and pollen laden. the air smells so very good but even i'm beginning to have allergies. i don't normally suffer from those. at night i want to sandpaper my eyes and steam treat my lungs. not to mention the sneezing.
the pinecone ginger is up. i'd been thinking i'd need to fashion a eugoogoly soon. but no. hooray!
my neighbor's barred rock clucks some right below the window where i type. scares the eff out of me at times because it has the sound of a horror soundtrack. and then more come. an araucana that's got the look of a reaper.
get her! she's stolen colored eggs in this time of famine! clearly i put too much into it. my imagination runs wild.
i wonder where the city has been recruiting bus drivers. really i do. methinks straight from the bailman's lobby. i'd like to support public transportation in california but sometimes it's so ridiculously frightening.
to bed.