Ein Liebeslied
Komm zu mir in der Nacht--wir schlafen engverschlungen.
Müde bin ich sehr, vom Wachen einsam.
Ein fremder Vogel hat in dunkler Frühe schon gesungen,
Als noch mein Traum mit sich und mir gerungen.
Es öffnen Blumen sich vor allen Quellen
Und färben sich mit deiner Augen Immortellen....
Komm zu mir in der Nacht auf Siebensternenschuhen
Und Liebe eingehüllt spät in mein Zelt.
Es steigen Monde aus verstaubten Himmelstruhen.
Wir wollen wie zwei seltene Tiere liebesruhen
Im hohen Rohre hinter dieser Welt.
a love song
come to me in the night---we'll sleep closely twined.
i am so tired and lonely from watching.
a strange bird sang in the dark dawn,
as my dream still wrestled with itself and me.
now flowers open beside every spring,
colored with your everlasting eyes.
come to me in the night on seven-star shoes
and clothed in love, come late to my tent.
moons are rising from heaven's dusty chests.
like two rare animals, let us take love's rest
in the tall reeds behind this world.
(trans. by janine canan)
lasker-schüller sounds like song of solomon. so pretty. so simply pretty. just wonderful.
leaving driveway, slowly progressing along the ruts, dirt track, dustway, a buck with beautiful tines crossed in front. stopped, stared at me, pointed out his family. a doe, two nearly grown fawns (twins!). a felled oak branch where they stood grazing. i pulled up alongside and stopped, window down. doe stiffened her front legs, flashed those eyes, those perfect deep dark eyes, crow-hopped toward me. stopped. then, satisfied, began chewing again. i pulled away. one fawn steeplechased. impressive lift-off and a backwards glance. i love mule deer to no telling.
my german is baby-sized. any mistakes transcribing to be indulged, please oh please. same goes for english. or any language, for that matter.